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Intrathoracic tuberculosis: Role of interventional bronchoscopy in diagnosis
Paediatric Respiratory Reviews ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.prrv.2022.12.002
Pierre Goussard 1 , Ernst Eber 2 , Shyam Venkatakrishna 3 , Lisa Frigati 1 , Jacques Janson 4 , Pawel Schubert 5 , Savvas Andronikou 3

Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of death from a single infectious agent globally. Mortality is related to the delay in diagnosis and starting treatment. According to new guidelines it is very important to classify pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) as severe or not severe disease due to the difference in treatment duration. Bronchoscopy is the gold standard for assessing the degree of airway compression and obstruction in paediatric PTB. Paediatric bronchoscopy has evolved from a primarily diagnostic procedure to include interventional bronchoscopy for diagnostic purposes. Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) has increased the potential of sampling mediastinal lymph nodes both for histological diagnosis and microbiological confirmation.



结核病 (TB) 是全球单一传染源导致死亡的主要原因。死亡率与诊断和开始治疗的延迟有关。根据新指南,由于治疗持续时间的差异,将肺结核(PTB)分类为严重或非严重疾病非常重要。支气管镜检查是评估儿童 PTB 气道受压和阻塞程度的金标准。小儿支气管镜检查已从主要的诊断程序发展到包括用于诊断目的的介入支气管镜检查。支气管内超声 (EBUS) 增加了纵隔淋巴结取样用于组织学诊断和微生物学确认的潜力。
