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EMI (English-medium instruction) in South Korean elite universities
World Englishes ( IF 1.154 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-17 , DOI: 10.1111/weng.12623
Kingsley Bolton 1 , Hyejeong Ahn 2 , Werner Botha 3 , John Bacon‐Shone 4

This article provides an extensive review of previous research on English-medium instruction (EMI) in South Korean higher education. It then goes on to discuss the findings of a 2017 survey at four elite universities in South Korea, which were Seoul National University, Korea University, Yonsei University, and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). While some of the results could be regarded as predictable, there were a number of findings which extended previous research. Despite the extensive complaint tradition about English in South Korea, many of the students in our sample rated their proficiency rather highly. Notwithstanding the extensive critiques of EMI in much of the previous literature, students typically displayed pragmatic and sometimes positive attitudes to dealing with EMI in their institutions.


韩国精英大学的 EMI(英语授课)

本文对韩国高等教育中英语教学 (EMI) 的先前研究进行了广泛的回顾。然后讨论了 2017 年对韩国四所精英大学(首尔国立大学、高丽大学、延世大学和韩国科学技术院 (KAIST))进行的调查结果。虽然有些结果可以被认为是可以预测的,但有一些发现扩展了之前的研究。尽管韩国普遍存在对英语的抱怨传统,但我们样本中的许多学生对自己的英语水平评价相当高。尽管之前的许多文献对 EMI 进行了广泛的批评,但学生们在处理所在机构的 EMI 问题时通常表现出务实、有时甚至是积极的态度。