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Between Usability and Trustworthiness—The Potential of Information Transfer Using Digital Information Platforms for Refugees
Journal of Technology in Human Services Pub Date : 2022-12-12 , DOI: 10.1080/15228835.2022.2146031
Marek Winkel 1 , Henrike Friedrichs-Liesenkötter 1


In recent years, a number of Information-websites and -apps for refugees have appeared in Germany. The platforms aim to help the refugees to settle in Germany by presenting information about the education system, asylum procedures or the job market. Digitally presented information about Germany can work as a supplement to personal guidance by Social workers—if the websites and apps are developed and designed in an appealing way. A high level of usability and trustworthiness could make the platforms easier to access in cognitive and emotional regards. This article presents a document analysis of the most important German Information-Websites and -Apps for refugees. It asks, in how far the platforms use aspects of trustworthiness and usability. The analysis concludes that the platforms use elements of usability and trustworthiness to a different extent. A reason could be that the social organizations behind the platforms ground on different resources regarding professional employees and follow different normative aims.




