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Digital Exhibits for Justice: Analyzing Public Library Digital Exhibits with Diversity and Social Justice Themes
Public Library Quarterly Pub Date : 2022-12-18 , DOI: 10.1080/01616846.2022.2153530
Youngok Choi 1 , Emma B. Hastings 1


Public libraries are increasingly addressing issues of diversity and social justice through a variety of avenues, including digital exhibits. This study analyzed digital exhibits offered by large public libraries, identifying a total of 27 exhibits that had diversity and/or social justice themes from eight library systems. The exhibits covered a range of topics but tended to focus more on historical oppression or discrimination (81%) rather than on modern inequities (30%). The majority of exhibits (56%) demonstrated collaboration between libraries and the local community, but only 19% provided users with a mechanism for providing feedback. The study developed a framework for evaluating digital exhibits that can serve as a guide for public librarians seeking to curate digital exhibits involving diversity or social justice topics.




公共图书馆越来越多地通过各种途径(包括数字展览)解决多样性和社会正义问题。这项研究分析了大型公共图书馆提供的数字展品,从 8 个图书馆系统中确定了总共 27 个具有多样性和/或社会正义主题的展品。这些展品涵盖了一系列主题,但往往更关注历史压迫或歧视(81%),而不是现代不平等(30%)。大多数展品 (56%) 展示了图书馆与当地社区之间的合作,但只有 19% 为用户提供了反馈机制。该研究开发了一个评估数字展览的框架,可以为公共图书馆员寻求策划涉及多样性或社会正义主题的数字展览提供指导。
