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LSQ 2.0: A linked dataset of SPARQL query logs
Semantic Web ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-29 , DOI: 10.3233/sw-223015
Claus Stadler 1 , Muhammad Saleem 1 , Qaiser Mehmood 2 , Carlos Buil-Aranda 3 , Michel Dumontier 4 , Aidan Hogan 5 , Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo 1


We present the Linked SPARQL Queries (LSQ) dataset, which currently describes 43.95 million executions of 11.56 million unique SPARQL queries extracted from the logs of 27 different endpoints. The LSQ dataset provides RDF descriptions of each such query, which are indexed in a public LSQ endpoint, allowing interested parties to find queries with the characteristics they require. We begin by describing the use cases envisaged for the LSQ dataset, which include applications for research on common features of queries, for building custom benchmarks, and for designing user interfaces. We then discuss how LSQ has been used in practice since the release of four initial SPARQL logs in 2015. We discuss the model and vocabulary that we use to represent these queries in RDF. We then provide a brief overview of the 27 endpoints from which we extracted queries in terms of the domain to which they pertain and the data they contain. We provide statistics on the queries included from each log, including the number of query executions, unique queries, as well as distributions of queries for a variety of selected characteristics. We finally discuss how the LSQ dataset is hosted and how it can be accessed and leveraged by interested parties for their use cases.


LSQ 2.0:SPARQL 查询日志的链接数据集


我们展示了链接 SPARQL 查询 (LSQ) 数据集,该数据集目前描述了从 27 个不同端点的日志中提取的 1156 万个独特 SPARQL 查询的 4395 万次执行。LSQ 数据集提供了每个此类查询的 RDF 描述,这些查询在公共 LSQ 端点中进行了索引,允许感兴趣的各方找到具有他们所需特征的查询。我们首先描述为 LSQ 数据集设想的用例,其中包括用于研究查询的共同特征、用于构建自定义基准以及用于设计用户界面的应用程序。然后我们讨论自 2015 年发布四个初始 SPARQL 日志以来 LSQ 如何在实践中使用。我们讨论了我们用来在 RDF 中表示这些查询的模型和词汇表。然后,我们简要概述了 27 个端点,我们从这些端点中根据它们所属的域和它们包含的数据提取了查询。我们提供每个日志中包含的查询的统计信息,包括查询执行次数、唯一查询以及针对各种选定特征的查询分布。我们最后讨论了 LSQ 数据集的托管方式以及感兴趣的各方如何访问和利用其用例。
