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Direct and Indirect Paths between Parental Marital Conflict and Children’s Sibling Conflict in Chinese Families
The Journal of Genetic Psychology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-26 , DOI: 10.1080/00221325.2022.2161344
Guoliang Qu 1, 2 , Xiaojun Cao 1 , Guangming Ran 1 , Jihui Wu 1 , Haowen Luo 3


Links between parental marital conflict and children’s sibling conflict have been well examined; however, the underlying mechanism of this link needs to be further studied. This study investigated the mediating role of parental intervention styles (i.e. child-centered strategies, control strategies, and nonintervention strategies) and children’s control behavior toward their sibling between parental marital conflict and children’s sibling conflict. We recruited 689 Chinese children (53.7% girls) aged 8–13 years to participate in the study. Results indicated that parental marital conflict, control strategies, nonintervention strategies, and children’s control behavior toward sibling were positively associated with sibling conflict among children. Child-centered strategies were negatively correlated with children’s sibling conflict. Furthermore, control and nonintervention strategies of parents and control behavior of children toward sibling simultaneously partially mediated between parental marital and child-sibling conflict. The mediating role of child-centered strategies was not significant. These findings suggest that parental strategies of control and nonintervention and children’s control behavior toward their sibling may increase the risk of sibling conflict among children after repeated exposure to parental marital conflict. In contrast, child-centered strategies may be a protective factor for children regarding sibling conflict. Current findings confirm the combined effects of parent and child behavior on child-sibling conflict. They also help parents deal with sibling conflict among their children and promote more positive relationships among siblings.
