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From sounding the tocsin to ringing the doorbell: some reflections on Saint Bartholomew as a neighbourhood massacre
French History ( IF 0.114 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-27 , DOI: 10.1093/fh/crac059
Jeremie Foa 1

What do we know, after so many pages devoted to the lieu de mémoire ‘Saint-Barthélemy’, of the thousands of Protestants thrown into the Seine or flung into the Saône, of those anonymous men, women and children exterminated in the summer and autumn of 1572? What do we know about the executioners during those nights, about those rare people who put their heart and soul into massacring their Huguenot neighbours? The responsibility of Catherine de Médicis or the Guise has been the subject of much interest; the torments of Charles IX and Spanish manipulation have long been scrutinized. This article will eschew these legitimate investigations in order to focus on the humble lives behind that night, the faces of the victims and the names of the killers, to discover who the ordinary actors were in this extraordinary event.



在写了那么多篇幅关于“圣巴泰勒米”的回忆之后,我们知道什么,关于成千上万被扔进塞纳河或扔进索恩河的新教徒,那些无名的男人、女人和孩子在夏天和秋天被灭绝1572 年?我们对那些夜晚的刽子手了解多少,对那些全心全意屠杀胡格诺派邻居的稀有人物了解多少?凯瑟琳·德·美第奇 (Catherine de Médicis) 或吉斯 (Guise) 的职责一直备受关注。查理九世的折磨和西班牙人的操纵早已受到关注。本文将避开这些合法的调查,聚焦当晚背后卑微的生活、受害者的面孔和凶手的名字,去发现在这起不平凡的事件中,谁是平凡的演员。