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Citizens’ satisfaction with the land registration procedure: evidence from Ha Dong district, Hanoi, Vietnam
Survey Review ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-28 , DOI: 10.1080/00396265.2022.2160691
Quang Cuong Doan 1, 2

This study aimed to discover citizens’ evaluation and satisfaction with land registration procedures. Using Hanoi as a case study, interviews were done at the Land Registration Office to clarify the satisfaction with land registration. The results show that the satisfaction rate was 74.6%. Collected data were analyzed through machine learning algorithms to find the factors affecting satisfaction. The results indicate that the number of times citizens go to agencies and waiting time are the most significant factors contributing to citizens’ satisfaction. The government should design and unify single points for applications, develop a digital-based cadastral database, enable online payment, and modernize facilities to improve the citizens’ satisfaction.



