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Swedish Religion Education in Public Schools—Objective and Neutral or a Marination into Lutheran Protestantism?
Oxford Journal of Law and Religion Pub Date : 2023-01-10 , DOI: 10.1093/ojlr/rwac018
Jenny Berglund

This article takes its point of departure in the recommendations by the Council of Europe, and Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) that recommend that European states should offer education about religions for all school students, regardless of religious or non-religious background. Sweden is one of the countries that provides such education through a compulsory non-denominational religion education (RE) school subject. The compulsory nature of the school subject is possible as long as the teaching is both ‘objective and pluralistic’. In this article, the concept of objectivity but also neutrality is discussed, using the Swedish school subject as an example. The argument pursued is that RE in Sweden, although presented as objective and neutral, also can be understood as ‘marinated’ in Lutheran Protestantism. In the end, the protestant taste of the Swedish non-denominational and compulsory RE is used as a call for further awareness of how the religious history of a given country affects not only education but also the way people perceive the phenomena called religion. These are important perspectives not only for RE teachers who are demanded to teach in a neutral and objective manner, but perhaps also for lawyers?



本文以欧洲委员会和欧洲安全与合作组织 (OSCE) 的建议为出发点,这些建议建议欧洲国家应该为所有在校学生提供宗教教育,无论他们是否信奉宗教。宗教背景。瑞典是通过强制性非教派宗教教育 (RE) 学校科目提供此类教育的国家之一。只要教学是“客观的和多元的”,学校科目的必修性质是可能的。在本文中,以瑞典学校学科为例,讨论了客观性和中立性的概念。所追求的论点是,瑞典的 RE,虽然呈现为客观和中立的,但在路德宗新教中也可以被理解为“腌制”。到底,瑞典非教派和强制性 RE 的新教口味被用来呼吁进一步了解特定国家的宗教历史不仅影响教育,而且影响人们看待称为宗教的现象的方式。这些不仅对于需要以中立和客观的方式进行教学的 RE 教师来说是重要的观点,而且对于律师来说也许也是如此?