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Environmental Justice: Where It Has Been, and Where It Might Be Going
Annual Review of Public Health ( IF 20.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-10 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-publhealth-071621-064925
Merlin Chowkwanyun 1

Taking stock of environmental justice (EJ) is daunting. It is at once a scholarly field, an ongoing social movement, and an administrative imperative adopted by government agencies and incorporated into legislation. Moreover, within academia, it is multidisciplinary and multimethodological, comprising scholars who do not always speak to one another. Any review of EJ is thus necessarily restrictive.This article explores several facets of EJ activism. One is its coalitional and “inside-outside” orientation. EJ activists are constantly forming alliances with other stakeholders, but these coalitions do not flout the importance of engaging with formal institutions. The review next turns to one set of such institutions—the courts and regulatory agencies—to see how well EJ claims have fared there. I then survey scientific findings that have been influenced by EJ. The review concludes with future directions for activists and scholars to consider: the changing nature of EJ coalitions, fragmentation within EJ and with other fields, the historical roots of environmental injustice, and opportunities for stronger infusion of the EJ lens.



评估环境正义(EJ)是一项艰巨的任务。它既是一个学术领域,也是一场持续的社会运动,也是政府机构采用并纳入立法的一项行政命令。此外,在学术界,它是多学科和多方法论的,由并不总是相互交流的学者组成。因此,对 EJ 的任何评论都必然具有限制性。本文探讨了 EJ 行动主义的几个方面。一是其联盟性和“由内而外”的取向。 EJ 积极分子不断与其他利益相关者结成联盟,但这些联盟并没有忽视与正式机构合作的重要性。接下来的审查转向一组此类机构——法院和监管机构——以了解 EJ 索赔在这些机构中的表现如何。然后我调查了受 EJ 影响的科学发现。该评论最后提出了活动人士和学者需要考虑的未来方向:EJ联盟性质的变化、EJ内部和其他领域的分裂、环境不公正的历史根源以及加强EJ视角注入的机会。