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Measuring the Readability of Geometric Proofs: The Area Method Case
Journal of Automated Reasoning ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s10817-022-09652-0
Pedro Quaresma , Pierluigi Graziani

Using an approach, inspired by our modernisation of Lemoine’s Geometrography, this paper proposes a new readability criterion for formal proofs produced by automated theorem provers for geometry. We analyse two criteria to measure the readability of a proof: the criterion given by Chou et al. and the one given by Wiedijk. After discussing the limitations of these two criteria, we introduce a novel approach, which provides a new criterion. We conclude discussing some future work.



受 Lemoine 几何学现代化的启发,本文使用一种方法,几何的自动定理证明器生成的形式证明提出了新的可读性标准。我们分析了两个标准来衡量证明的可读性:Chou 等人给出的标准。和 Wiedijk 给出的那个。在讨论了这两个标准的局限性之后,我们介绍了一种新的方法,它提供了一个新的标准。最后,我们讨论了一些未来的工作。
