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Toxic Giftedness
Roeper Review Pub Date : 2023-01-11 , DOI: 10.1080/02783193.2022.2148311
Robert J. Sternberg


Toxic giftedness is giftedness that is used for negative and even harmful ends. The field of giftedness has not been quick to recognize the importance to society of toxic giftedness, and its responsibility to combat it. This article defines the concept of toxic giftedness. Then it discusses two manifestations of toxic giftedness: gifted toxic leadership and gifted toxic followership. Toxic leaders and toxic followers are of different kinds. Some toxic leaders intend to do harm; others do so inadvertently. Toxic followers look out for their own interests at the expense of others’ interests. They may be oblivious, ingratiators, loyalists, or True Believers. Educators of the gifted have a responsibility in current times to do more to combat toxic giftedness and to do whatever they can to ensure that giftedness is used in ways to make the world better, not worse.




