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How to Get Punched by the ‘Weak’
Forum for Social Economics Pub Date : 2023-01-13 , DOI: 10.1080/07360932.2022.2164039
Jaron Chalier 1, 2


Studying the challenges, suffering, and exploitation of the underprivileged around the world becomes valuable when it allows us to identify and then fix a problem. This paper pushes back against a narrative characterizing Filipina domestic workers as unable to fight against the global, unbalanced, sexualized, racialized, gender regime they work under. There are many examples where they are able to make a difference without needing the same resources as large international organizations or states. The key findings are a list of 10 actions taken by them, summarized as a tried and tested, non-exhaustive list of tools of the underprivileged ‘punching’ back. Using citizenship to leverage governments’ power, using their voices to leverage NGOs, reconciling and finding benefit with pervasive judgment and stereotypes, and even creating entire NGOs, magazines, and social movements, are all examples of how supposedly weak victims punch back.




研究世界各地弱势群体所面临的挑战、苦难和剥削变得很有价值,因为它能让我们识别并解决问题。本文反驳了将菲律宾家庭工人描述为无法与他们工作的全球性、不平衡、性化、种族化和性别制度作斗争的叙述。有许多例子表明,他们无需像大型国际组织或国家那样需要相同的资源就能够有所作为。主要调查结果是他们采取的 10 项行动的清单,总结为一份久经考验的、非详尽无遗的工具清单,用于“回击”弱势群体。利用公民身份来影响政府的权力,利用他们的声音来影响非政府组织,在普遍的判断和刻板印象中调和并寻找利益,甚至创建整个非政府组织,
