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Child protection pathways for newborn infants: A multi-disciplinary retrospective chart review of an Irish maternity hospital’s records
Child Abuse Review ( IF 2.086 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-16 , DOI: 10.1002/car.2807
Elinor Jenkins 1, 2 , Maria Corbett 3 , Anna Breen 1 , Kerri O'Brien 1 , Caoimhe Cooney 1, 4 , Robert McGrath 1 , Emma Flynn 1 , Martin White 1, 5

In Ireland, little is known about mothers and infants where child welfare and protection concerns arise during the perinatal period. This study explores, for the first time, perinatal child protection. A retrospective audit was carried out of a large maternity hospital's medical social work, neonatal and psychiatric files for a five-year period from 2016 to 2020. The study identified 99 children, born to 86 mothers, who were either subject to a child protection conference; placed for adoption; discharged to someone other than the mother; or discharged home under supervision. The study found that two-thirds of the children were discharged to their mother's care. When compared to national data, the health indicators for this cohort of mothers and children painted a grim picture. The maternal profiles identified high prevalence of mental health and addiction difficulties and domestic violence. The study found evidence of supports provided to the mothers to enable them to care for their infants while they remained in the hospital and during an initial discharge from hospital. However, a significant number of the mothers were not caring for their children when viewed across a longer time frame. Dedicated multi-disciplinary clinics and improved data systems were identified as of importance.



在爱尔兰,围产期出现儿童福利和保护问题的母婴情况鲜为人知。本研究首次探讨了围产期儿童保护问题。对一家大型妇产医院 2016 年至 2020 年为期五年的医疗社会工作、新生儿和精神病学档案进行了回顾性审计。该研究确定了 86 名母亲所生的 99 名儿童,这些儿童要么参加了儿童保护会议; 被收养;出院给母亲以外的人;或在监督下出院回家。研究发现,三分之二的孩子出院后由母亲照顾。与国家数据相比,这组母亲和儿童的健康指标描绘了一幅严峻的图景。产妇概况确定了心理健康和成瘾困难以及家庭暴力的高发率。该研究发现了向母亲提供支持的证据,使她们能够在她们留在医院期间和初次出院期间照顾她们的婴儿。然而,从更长的时间范围来看,相当多的母亲并不关心自己的孩子。专门的多学科诊所和改进的数据系统被认为很重要。从更长的时间范围来看,有相当多的母亲没有照顾自己的孩子。专门的多学科诊所和改进的数据系统被认为很重要。从更长的时间范围来看,有相当多的母亲没有照顾自己的孩子。专门的多学科诊所和改进的数据系统被认为很重要。