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Inclusive leadership via empathic communication
Organizational Dynamics ( IF 1.133 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.orgdyn.2023.100957
Yoshie Tomozumi Nakamura , Julia Milner

In today’s rapidly changing society, leaders have to constantly deal with multiple urgent demands interacting with others through various communication modalities - that can happen face to face, via video conferencing, phone calls, etc. - and guide diverse groups of individuals. Having empathic conversations is key for inclusive leadership. Leaders need to understand their emotions and others’ emotional state to build bonds for effective collaboration at work. Yet the reality is that it is challenging for leaders to be aware of their own empathic or non-empathic approach, especially given that hybrid communication is required in their daily lives. This paper introduces communication approaches for empathic conversations considering various modalities including face-to-face, video, or voice-only communication. We provide step-by-step instructions and guided questions to showcase how to develop empathic communication skills. With these strategies, leaders can practice their empathy ‘muscle’ considering various communication modalities with a focus on non-verbal and verbal cues.



