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Treat yourself: Food delivery apps and the interplay between justification for use and food well-being
Journal of Consumer Affairs ( IF 2.603 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-24 , DOI: 10.1111/joca.12507
Sabrina Capito 1 , Albena Pergelova 1

This study examines the relationship between justification for use and well-being in respect to mobile food delivery apps (FDA). Adopting an interpretivist qualitative approach, the study offers contributions to the FDA and food well-being literature by uncovering four groups of licensing effects that consumers use in justifying FDA use. Those licensing effects can have either positive or negative influence on consumers' well-being depending on the degree to which consumers engage in self-regulation, awareness, and conscious managing of their relationship with food. The study also unravels the importance of dealing with the tensions between FDA use and well-being by shedding light on feelings of guilt and financial anxiety related to FDA use.



本研究调查了移动食品配送应用程序 (FDA) 的使用理由与幸福感之间的关系。该研究采用解释主义定性方法,通过揭示消费者在证明 FDA 使用合理性时使用的四组许可效应,为 FDA 和食品健康文献做出贡献。这些许可效应可能对消费者的福祉产生积极或消极的影响,具体取决于消费者在多大程度上参与自我调节、意识和有意识地管理他们与食品的关系。该研究还通过阐明与使用 FDA 相关的内疚感和财务焦虑,揭示了处理 FDA 使用与幸福之间紧张关系的重要性。