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The Geography of Nonviolence
American Historical Review ( IF 1.807 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-25 , DOI: 10.1093/ahr/rhac459
Nico Slate 1

In the summer of 1954, the Highlander Folk School, a racially integrated institution located in the hills of Tennessee, hosted a series of workshops on the United Nations. Highlander’s UN workshops cultivated a grassroots globalism that aimed to connect the UN to local action on behalf of racial integration. Yet while the workshops helped raise awareness about the work of the UN, they failed to directly link such global awareness to local action and instead revealed the danger that a certain kind of global optimism would lead to local apathy. By contrast, Highlander’s radical integrationism, by challenging the borders of race, opened a space for other kinds of border crossing, particularly in regard to nonviolent civil disobedience. Audio recordings of Highlander’s workshops provide a rare perspective on the geography of nonviolence. By revealing the geographic imagination of local activists, these tapes allow us to reconceive the transnational history of the American civil rights movement as a grassroots endeavor.



1954 年夏天,位于田纳西州山区的种族融合机构 Highlander Folk School 举办了一系列关于联合国的讲习班。Highlander 的联合国研讨会培养了一种草根全球主义,旨在将联合国与代表种族融合的当地行动联系起来。然而,尽管这些研讨会有助于提高人们对联合国工作的认识,但它们未能将这种全球意识与当地行动直接联系起来,反而揭示了某种全球乐观主义会导致当地冷漠的危险。相比之下,汉兰达激进的融合主义通过挑战种族边界,为其他类型的跨越边界开辟了空间,特别是在非暴力公民不服从方面。Highlander 研讨会的录音为非暴力地理提供了难得的视角。