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Sustaining education for environmental professionals
Australasian Journal of Environmental Management ( IF 2.617 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-10 , DOI: 10.1080/14486563.2022.2137255
Ian Thomas 1


The evolution of universities in Australia is nothing new; however, a range of social and economic pressures have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. These pressures are leading to changes, for example greater use of electronic media for teaching, which will affect the delivery of teaching programs. Effects on those programs providing education for environmental professionals could well impact whether the graduates achieve the capabilities expected by the profession, and needed by society. These capabilities have much in common with those sought by a range of professions and disciplines, and the employability agenda promoted by universities. Hence, promotion of learning approaches associated with educating environmental professionals could be of value to universities generally. The review of these aspects indicates the need for the profession to formulate approaches to ensure that education of environmental professionals in Australia continues to achieve those capabilities that have been identified. Effort directed this way could assist in maintaining or enhancing, achieving capabilities of the graduates of environmental and sustainability programs. Such effort would also facilitate all graduates to develop the generic capabilities expected by employers and infuse sustainability across all disciplines with a sustainability leaning.




澳大利亚大学的发展并不是什么新鲜事;然而,COVID-19 大流行加剧了一系列社会和经济压力。这些压力正在导致变化,例如更多地使用电子媒体进行教学,这将影响教学计划的实施。对那些为环境专业人士提供教育的项目的影响很可能会影响毕业生是否达到专业预期和社会需要的能力。这些能力与一系列专业和学科所寻求的能力以及大学推动的就业能力议程有很多共同点。因此,推广与教育环境专业人士相关的学习方法对大学普遍具有价值。对这些方面的审查表明,该行业需要制定方法,以确保澳大利亚环境专业人员的教育继续实现已确定的那些能力。以这种方式进行的努力可以帮助维持或增强、实现环境和可持续发展计划毕业生的能力。这种努力还将促进所有毕业生发展雇主期望的通用能力,并在所有学科中注入可持续性倾向。实现环境和可持续发展计划毕业生的能力。这种努力还将促进所有毕业生发展雇主期望的通用能力,并在所有学科中注入可持续性倾向。实现环境和可持续发展计划毕业生的能力。这种努力还将促进所有毕业生发展雇主期望的通用能力,并在所有学科中注入可持续性倾向。
