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Dimensions of Parenting and Children’s Bullying Victimization: A Look at the Racial/Ethnic and Grade Level Differences
The Journal of Genetic Psychology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-27 , DOI: 10.1080/00221325.2023.2169104
Jun Sung Hong 1, 2 , Saijun Zhang 3 , Dorothy L Espelage 4 , Paula Allen-Meares 5


The associations between the various dimensions of parenting and adolescent bullying have been widely studied, but it is unclear whether these associations vary by race/ethnicity and grade. The current study utilized the Health Behavior in School-Aged Children data in the United States for the investigation. The findings show that supportive parenting and permissive parenting were negatively associated with bullying victimization. However, controlling parenting and neglectful parenting were positively associated with bullying victimization. The results further revealed that the dimensions of parenting were similarly associated with bullying victimization across racial/ethnic groups. Parenting was also similarly associated with bullying victimization for both middle and high school students, except for supportive parenting, where middle school students with more parental support reported less bullying victimization. The implications of the findings are discussed.




