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Open science, closed doors: The perils and potential of open science for research in practice
Industrial and Organizational Psychology ( IF 15.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-27 , DOI: 10.1017/iop.2022.61
Richard A. Guzzo , Benjamin Schneider , Haig R. Nalbantian

This paper advocates for the value of open science in many areas of research. However, after briefly reviewing the fundamental principles underlying open science practices and their use and justification, the paper identifies four incompatibilities between those principles and scientific progress through applied research. The incompatibilities concern barriers to sharing and disclosure, limitations and deficiencies of overidentifying with hypothetico-deductive methods of inference, the paradox of replication efforts resulting in less robust findings, and changes to the professional research and publication culture such that it will narrow in favor of a specific style of research. Seven recommendations are presented to maximize the value of open science while minimizing its adverse effects on the advancement of science in practice.


