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In search of the phytohormone functions in Fungi:Cytokinins
Fungal Biology Reviews ( IF 6 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fbr.2023.100309
Nina Vedenicheva , Iryna Kosakivska

Cytokinins are phytohormones that participate in regulation of all aspects of plant growth and development, including response to biotic agents. Fungi of different taxonomic and trophic groups synthesize cytokinins, employing them for interaction with plants, both friendly and hostile. They also appear to be able to manipulate the host plant genes of cytokinin biosynthesis and metabolism to their own benefit. In this review, we analyzed the data about changes in the level and composition of cytokinin pool under fungi influence, the effect of exogenous hormones on the growth of fungi in culture and in situ, changes in the physiology and metabolism of fungi due to genetic transformations related to cytokinins. The possible role of cytokinins in the regulation of macromycete development is discussed as well. The pattern of cytokinin dynamics allow us to consider the hormones of this class as potential regulators of fungi growth. Further explore of fungal cytokinins is essential to improve biotechnology using fungi as raw materials for medicine and agricultural production.



