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The Remnants of Giorgio Agamben: The Omnibus Homo Sacer upon Its Completion
Journal of the History of Ideas Pub Date : 2023-02-03
Udi Greenberg


This essay reviews Giorgio Agamben’s Omnibus Homo Sacer, a monumental project of nine books that was recently completed after two decades. Alongside outlining the project’s key claims, the essay reflects on its uneven reception: it seeks to explain why Agamben’s claims on politics, law, and violence received enormous attention, while his writings on economics and religion were largely ignored. The essay in particular discusses the values and limits of Agamben’s work for historians.


Giorgio Agamben 的遗迹:完成时的 Omnibus Homo Sacer


这篇文章回顾了乔治·阿甘本 (Giorgio Agamben) 的Omnibus Homo Sacer,这是一个由九本书组成的不朽项目,最近在 20 年后完成。除了概述该项目的主要主张外,这篇文章还反映了其接受程度不一的情况:它试图解释为什么阿甘本关于政治、法律和暴力的主张受到了极大的关注,而他关于经济和宗教的著作却在很大程度上被忽视了。这篇文章特别讨论了阿甘本著作对历史学家的价值和局限性。
