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Who Does the Society for Music Theory Gather?
Music Theory Spectrum Pub Date : 2023-02-03 , DOI: 10.1093/mts/mtac028
Leigh VanHandel

An important question in Stephen Lett’s provocative article is K’eguro Macharia’s, “Who is gathered by your invitation?” (2021). Lett outlines how the founders of the Society for Music Theory staked out territory for the discipline to establish theorists as separate from composers, musicologists, and pedagogues, and how they assessed who was to be invited by determining what theory as a discipline was and what it was to be. He then discusses how others have been (and still are) invited or excluded based on principles present since the founding of the society and offers suggestions for how to make SMT as an institution more welcoming by using the ideas of homemaking and world-building. My response addresses two topics: first, that the narrow view of the discipline of music theory present at its inception created an anti-pedagogy bias that exists to this day; and second, that this narrow view is perpetuated by graduate programs, which can and should be changed in order to achieve the goal of diversification of the discipline and its members.



Stephen Lett 的挑衅性文章中的一个重要问题是 K'eguro Macharia 的,“谁是应您的邀请聚集在一起的?” (2021)。Lett 概述了音乐理论协会的创始人如何为该学科划定领域,以将理论家与作曲家、音乐学家和教育家分开,以及他们如何通过确定理论作为一门学科是什么以及它是什么来评估应邀请的人是。然后,他讨论了其他人如何根据自社会成立以来存在的原则被(并且仍然)被邀请或被排除在外,并就如何通过使用家庭建设和世界建设的理念使 SMT 作为一个机构更受欢迎提出建议。我的回答涉及两个主题:第一,音乐理论学科一开始就存在的狭隘观点造成了一种至今仍存在的反教育学偏见;其次,这种狭隘的观点在研究生课程中得以延续,可以而且应该改变,以实现学科及其成员多样化的目标。