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Bio-citizens online: A content analysis of pro-ana and weight loss blogs
Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie ( IF 2.619 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-23 , DOI: 10.1111/cars.12426
Amy Sheppard 1 , Rose Ricciardelli 2

Current neoliberal ideology in Western society encourages individuals to self-monitor their body to control population health. The resulting self-surveillance includes weight management, promoted as a marker of health. Disordered eating, like anorexia, is framed as a health disorder. However, weight loss is framed as a health initiative; we argue that these framings are engaging with the same body project, encouraging thinness as a marker of health and good bio-citizenry. Using content analysis to compare online blog context created by individuals engaged in weight loss and individuals who identify as pro-anorexia, we argue and evidence that both groups are engaged in body projects with shared parameters. Findings suggest each group is striving to embody a thin ideal through weight management. Specifically, weight loss bloggers and pro-ana bloggers demonstrate similar diet and exercise behaviours in online diaries detailing their weight loss experiences. Thus, weight loss and anorexia exist on the same spectrum of responsible bio-citizenry.


