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Average case tractability of non-homogeneous tensor product problems with the absolute error criterion
Journal of Complexity ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jco.2023.101743
Guiqiao Xu

We study average case tractability of non-homogeneous tensor product problems with the absolute error criterion. We consider algorithms that use finitely many evaluations of arbitrary linear functionals. For general non-homogeneous tensor product problems, we obtain the matching necessary and sufficient conditions for strong polynomial tractability in terms of the one-dimensional eigenvalues. We give some examples to show that strong polynomial tractability is not equivalent to polynomial tractability, and polynomial tractability is not equivalent to quasi-polynomial tractability. But for non-homogeneous tensor product problems with decreasing eigenvalues, we prove that strong polynomial tractability is always equivalent to polynomial tractability, and strong polynomial tractability is even equivalent to quasi-polynomial tractability when the one-dimensional largest eigenvalues are less than one. In particular, we find an example that quasi-polynomial tractability with the absolute error criterion is not equivalent to that with the normalized error criterion even if all the one-dimensional largest eigenvalues are one. Finally we consider a special class of non-homogeneous tensor product problems with improved monotonicity condition of the eigenvalues.



