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Children, vaccines, and financial incentives
International Journal of Health Economics and Management ( IF 1.837 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s10754-023-09343-2
Orhan Erdem 1 , Sukran Erdem 2 , Kelly Monson 3

Recent studies have been analyzing and measuring the efficacy of the use of financial incentives to increase the Covid-19 vaccine uptake. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the only study available in the literature that aims to measure the effect of financial incentives on vaccine rates among children. This paper explores the effects of a specific financial incentive on parents’ vaccination decisions for their children. Using data from a regional practice, where students aged 12 and older received $50 gift cards per Covid-19 vaccination dose, we use various methodologies (synthetic control, linear regression, and difference-in-differences) to approximate the effects of financial incentives on vaccine rates. Our analysis reveals that gift cards increase vaccination rates by 2.64–4.23 percentage points from a baseline rate of 38 percent, concluding that financial incentives, in conjunction with other incentives and policies, can be considered to increase the rate of vaccines for 12- to 17-year-olds.



最近的研究一直在分析和衡量利用经济激励措施提高 Covid-19 疫苗接种率的效果。据我们所知,本文是文献中唯一旨在衡量经济激励对儿童疫苗接种率影响的研究。本文探讨了特定的经济激励措施对父母为孩子接种疫苗的决定的影响。使用来自区域实践的数据,其中 12 岁及以上的学生每接种一剂 Covid-19 疫苗即可获得 50 美元的礼品卡,我们使用各种方法(综合控制、线性回归和双重差分)来估算经济激励对学生的影响疫苗接种率。我们的分析显示,礼品卡使疫苗接种率比 38% 的基准率提高了 2.64-4.23 个百分点,得出的结论是,经济激励措施与其他激励措施和政策相结合,可以考虑提高 12 至 17 岁儿童的疫苗接种率-岁。
