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How Museums Tell Stories: An Interview with Amelia Wong
Journal of Museum Education Pub Date : 2023-02-28 , DOI: 10.1080/10598650.2022.2157134
Katherine Whitney


In this article, museum exhibit developer Katherine Whitney sits down with Amelia Wong, User Experience Manager at the J. Paul Getty Trust, about her forthcoming book How Museums Tell Stories, (Routledge, forthcoming). Recent research and literature assert that as humans we are “wired for story.” And we’ve seen the use of storytelling skyrocket everywhere, from social media to marketing to museum exhibitions. But do we know we mean when we talk about story? Wong asserts that if we in the museum field are going to use storytelling effectively, we have to understand what story is, and what it isn’t.


博物馆如何讲故事:专访 Amelia Wong


在本文中,博物馆展览开发人员凯瑟琳·惠特尼 (Katherine Whitney) 与 J. Paul Getty Trust 的用户体验经理 Amelia Wong 坐下来讨论她即将出版的新书《博物馆如何讲述故事》(Routledge,即将出版)。最近的研究和文献断言,作为人类,我们“对故事很感兴趣”。我们已经看到,从社交媒体到市场营销再到博物馆展览,讲故事的使用在任何地方都在飞速发展。但是当我们谈论故事时,我们知道我们的意思吗?Wong 断言,如果我们在博物馆领域要有效地使用讲故事,我们必须了解什么是故事,什么不是。
