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Indigenous Youth (Non)Participation in Euro-Canadian Sport: Applying Theories of Refusal
Sociology of Sport Journal ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-09 , DOI: 10.1123/ssj.2021-0147
Jessica R. Nachman 1 , Lyndsay M.C. Hayhurst 1 , Audrey R. Giles 2 , Rochelle Stewart-Withers 3 , Daniel A. Henhawk 4

Much of the research on Indigenous youth’s sport has focused on the barriers that they experience in accessing opportunities for participation. What remains underexplored is the idea that nonparticipation might actually reflect Indigenous youth’s deliberate refusal of Euro-Canadian sport. In making this argument, first, we connect Indigenous theories of refusal to Indigenous youth sport participation in Canada. Second, we examine the researcher’s role in reproducing colonialism in sport studies. Third, we apply examples of Indigenous refusal of sport. We conclude by discerning the central tensions of the topic and areas for future study. This paper is a call for researchers to study refusal, not only as an act by Indigenous youth, but also as a method that researchers can use in refusing to reproduce colonial representations of Indigenous youth.



