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The Use of Technology in Sign Language Testing: Results of a Pre-Pandemic Survey
Sign Language Studies Pub Date : 2023-03-02
Tobias Haug, Wolfgang Mann, Franz Holzknecht


This study is a follow-up to previous research conducted in 2012 on computer-assisted language testing (CALT) that applied a survey approach to investigate the use of technology in sign language testing worldwide. The goal of the current study was to replicate the 2012 study and to obtain updated information on the use of technology in sign language testing. Another goal was to broaden the scope of the previous study by also considering the use of automatic sign language recognition and production (by avatars) in applied testing scenarios through technologies that make use of artificial intelligence (AI). Thirty-two sign language testing professionals participated in the current study. The results of the survey confirm the findings from 2012, but also raise new issues for future research (trends) related to sign language testing, such as the use of automatic sign language recognition for automatic scoring and the problem of acquiring funding for developing and maintaining web-based sign language testing platforms.




本研究是对 2012 年计算机辅助语言测试 (CALT) 研究的后续研究,该研究采用调查方法调查全球手语测试技术的使用情况。当前研究的目标是复制 2012 年的研究,并获取有关在手语测试中使用技术的最新信息。另一个目标是通过使用人工智能 (AI) 技术在应用测试场景中考虑使用自动手语识别和生成(通过化身)来扩大先前研究的范围。三十二名手语测试专业人​​员参与了当前的研究。调查结果证实了 2012 年的调查结果,但也为未来与手语测试相关的研究(趋势)提出了新问题,
