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The Mixed Impact of Care Work on the Finances of Low-income Canadians: Insights from the Canadian Financial Diaries Research Project
Social Policy and Society ( IF 2.238 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-06 , DOI: 10.1017/s1474746422000720
Jerry Buckland , Wendy Nur , Jodi Dueck-Read

Family and community care work – mentoring, feeding, and nurturing – is a critical activity in any society. It is, and it enables, productive and reproductive acts that hold society together and enable economies to function. Its importance is magnified for people with low income in that their economic options, outside the home, are more limited than for people with higher incomes. We conducted a year-long financial diaries project with twenty-eight mainly low-income Canadians and found that care work was critically important for them and their families and communities. However, we found that this work was often stigmatised: it is not well paid (if at all;, it involves costs to the provider; and it can lead people to become dependent on predatory loans. We argue that Canadian social policy must broaden its conception of care work and expand support for persons, particularly women, who have older children, and community commitments.



家庭和社区护理工作——指导、喂养和养育——在任何社会中都是一项至关重要的活动。它是并促成生产和再生产行为,这些行为将社会凝聚在一起并使经济得以运转。它对低收入人群的重要性被放大了,因为他们在家庭之外的经济选择比高收入人群更有限。我们对 28 名主要是低收入的加拿大人进行了为期一年的财务日记项目,发现护理工作对他们及其家庭和社区至关重要。然而,我们发现这项工作经常受到污名化:报酬不高(如果有的话;它涉及到提供者的成本;它可能导致人们变得依赖掠夺性贷款。