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Aversive well-being comparisons in dysphoria and the role of brooding rumination
British Journal of Clinical Psychology ( IF 3.984 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-05 , DOI: 10.1111/bjc.12418
Pascal Schlechter 1 , Nexhmedin Morina 2

Individuals frequently engage in comparisons on how they are doing relative to different standards. According to the general comparative-processing model, comparisons can be perceived as aversive (appraised as threatening the motives of the comparer) or appetitive (appraised as consonant with, or positively challenging the motives). Research indicates that aversive comparisons are associated with depression. We hypothesize that aversive comparisons play a significant role in the relationship between brooding rumination and depression. Drawing on central propositions of control theory that discrepancies instigate rumination, we investigated the mediating role of brooding rumination in this relationship. Reflecting the different directionality, we also examined whether well-being comparisons mediate the relationship between brooding rumination and depression.


