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Addition of formaldehyde releaser imidazolidinyl urea and MOPS buffer to urine samples enables delayed processing for flow cytometric analysis of urinary cells: A simple, two step conservation method of urinary cells for flow cytometry
Cytometry Part B: Clinical Cytometry ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-07 , DOI: 10.1002/cyto.b.22117
Paul Freund 1, 2 , Christopher M Skopnik 1, 2 , Diana Metzke 1, 2 , Nina Goerlich 1, 2 , Jan Klocke 1, 2 , Emil Grothgar 1, 2 , Luka Prskalo 1, 2 , Falk Hiepe 2, 3 , Philipp Enghard 1, 2

Kidney diseases are a major health concern worldwide. Currently there is a large unmet need for novel biomarkers to non-invasively diagnose and monitor kidney diseases. Urinary cells are promising biomarkers and their analysis by flow cytometry has demonstrated its utility in diverse clinical settings. However, up to date this methodology depends on fresh samples, as cellular event counts and the signal-to-noise-ratio deter over time. Here we developed an easy-to-use two-step preservation method for conservation of urine samples for subsequent flow cytometry.


在尿液样本中添加甲醛释放剂咪唑烷基脲和 MOPS 缓冲液,可以延迟处理尿细胞的流式细胞分析:用于流式细胞术的尿细胞的简单两步保存方法
