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An observation of white whale (Delphinapterus leucas) mating behaviour in the wild
Polar Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-08 , DOI: 10.33265/polar.v42.8875
Christian Lydersen , Kerstin Langenberger , Kit M. Kovacs

Herein we describe mating behaviour observed in a group of 20 white whales in Svalbard, Norway. A single female was the centre of attention during the 45-minute encounter, which was observed, photographed and videotaped at an ice edge in Storfjorden in June 2022. Several males surrounded the female and vigorously herded her from all sides. The female spy-hopped regularly, and sometimes her whole body was pushed out of the water by the other animals. High tail-lifts and tail-slapping were frequently performed by males, and erect penises were observed many times. Trumpet calls were also heard. At one point, three males with erect penises pressed themselves against the female simultaneously. The female was bleeding from wounds on her head and neck that were seemingly inflicted by bites from the other whales. She was also bleeding from her genital slit. A single copulation was seen at the surface, but it is likely that multiple males mated successfully with the female during the encounter. The event was more boisterous and violent than what has been described in captive white whales. We cannot assess how representative this observation is of typical reproductive behaviour for the species. But the encounter was remarkably similar to what has been described for several species of bottlenose dolphins that have male alliances that consort with individual females, restricting the female’s escape and keeping her accessible to mating only by members of the group.


白鲸 (Delphinapterus leucas) 野外交配行为观察

在此,我们描述了在挪威斯瓦尔巴特群岛的一组 20 头白鲸中观察到的交配行为。2022 年 6 月,在 Storfjorden 的冰缘观察、拍照和录像,在 45 分钟的相遇中,一只单身雌性成为关注的焦点。几名雄性包围了雌性,并从四面八方大力驱赶她。雌鱼有规律地跳跃,有时整个身体都被其他动物推出水面。雄性经常进行高抬尾和拍尾,并多次观察到勃起的阴茎。还听到了喇叭声。有一次,三名勃起阴茎的男性同时将自己压在女性身上。这只雌鲸头部和颈部的伤口正在流血,这些伤口似乎是被其他鲸鱼咬伤造成的。她的生殖器缝隙也在流血。在表面看到了一次交配,但很可能是多只雄性在相遇期间与雌性成功交配。该事件比圈养白鲸所描述的更加喧闹和暴力。我们无法评估该观察结果对该物种典型繁殖行为的代表性。但这次遭遇与所描述的几种宽吻海豚的遭遇非常相似,这些宽吻海豚有雄性联盟,与个体雌性结成联盟,限制了雌性的逃脱,并使她只能与群体成员进行交配。该事件比圈养白鲸所描述的更加喧闹和暴力。我们无法评估该观察结果对该物种典型繁殖行为的代表性。但这次遭遇与所描述的几种宽吻海豚的遭遇非常相似,这些宽吻海豚有雄性联盟,与个体雌性结成联盟,限制了雌性的逃脱,并使她只能与群体成员进行交配。该事件比圈养白鲸所描述的更加喧闹和暴力。我们无法评估该观察结果对该物种典型繁殖行为的代表性。但这次遭遇与所描述的几种宽吻海豚的遭遇非常相似,这些宽吻海豚有雄性联盟,与个体雌性结成联盟,限制了雌性的逃脱,并使她只能与群体成员进行交配。
