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Trauma-Informed Care and How Social Media Contributes to Trauma.
Pediatric Annals ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-01 , DOI: 10.3928/19382359-20230118-02
Bako Orionzi

Trauma has become an important part of medical care as we continue to understand further its effects on health over time. Trauma-informed care therefore has become a necessary part of medical services. Understanding the fundamentals of trauma-informed care and how it was developed is crucial to implementing this care into medical training and across all medical services involved in children's health. This leads to the framework created for the public health approach of trauma-informed care, with primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of management. Social media has also increasingly been implicated in contributing to trauma, including causing vicarious trauma, which can be just as detrimental to health and wellness. If we can encourage advocating for trauma-informed care training and policies across medical services, we can create a system with a focus on this growing factor in health care. [Pediatr Ann. 2023;52(3):e78-e80.].


