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Bioinspired composites: nature’s guidance for advanced materials future
Functional Composites and Structures Pub Date : 2023-03-07 , DOI: 10.1088/2631-6331/acbc64
Anna Cecília do Nascimento Pereira , Silvia Titotto

Biomimetics enables the use of nature as a source of inspiration for the elaboration of high-performance materials. In this scenario, the development of bioinspired composites emerges as a promising proposal, capable of generating technological innovation in numerous areas of engineering, considering the exceptional mechanical performance of materials of this kind. That said, this review article characterizes the design principles and fundamental parameters for bioinspired composites design. In addition, the main challenges to be overcome in the development of bioinspired materials are discussed, with the presentation of some experimental studies that lead to the practical application of such principles. Future applications for this class of materials are also highlighted.


