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Austrian Bureaucrats and Polish Revolutionaries as Allies? Czartoryski, Galicia, and Plans for a Future Polish Uprising 1831-1846
Central Europe Pub Date : 2023-03-09 , DOI: 10.1080/14790963.2023.2181497
Oliver Zajac 1


This article investigates the debates of the Hôtel Lambert, the constitutional monarchist wing of the Great Polish Emigration, led by Adam Jerzy Czartoryski, about the Austrian rule in Galicia, with a specific focus on the question of the position of Austrian bureaucracy in plans for the future Polish uprising. From the Hôtel Lambert’s point of view, Galicia was an integral part of a restored independent Polish state. Discussions about its strategic position and the role of its inhabitants were a critical part of plans for the future uprising. The local Austrian bureaucracy was also among those groups who were, therefore, debated. The article concludes that although Czartoryski shared the generally accepted negative image of the bureaucracy in his pre-emigration writings, once in Paris all plans for the uprising emphasized the importance of maintaining the functioning administration. Consequently, according to the Hôtel Lambert’s plans, bureaucrats in Galicia (and in the Prussian and Russian partitions as well) would play one of the crucial roles during the Polish insurrection. Either voluntarily, receiving benefits like promotion, or by force, under the direct supervision of insurgents. In that case, they would be later released from the service and expelled from the country.11 Several of the arguments presented in this article had been previously discussed in the author’s study, “Z kolonizátorov asimilovaní, z nepriateľov spojenci: Germanizácia Haliče z pohl’adu Adama Jerzyho Czartoryského a Hôtel Lambert 1830 – 1846 [From Colonizers to those who Were Assimilated, from Enemies to Allies: Germanization of Galicia through the Eyes of Adam Jerzy Czartoryski and Hôtel Lambert 1830 –1846]. In Dlhá cesta od monarchie k republike : zmeny režimov, myslenia a životného štšlu na Slovensku a v strednej Eurôpe od polovice 19. do polovice 20. storočia. Jubileum Dušana Kováča. - Bratislava : HistorickÝ ústav SAV : Veda, vydavate’stvo SAV, 2021, p. 65-82. ISBN 978-80-224-1921-5.


奥地利官僚和波兰革命者是盟友吗?恰尔托雷斯基、加利西亚和 1831-1846 年未来波兰起义的计划


本文调查了亚当·耶日·恰尔托雷斯基 (Adam Jerzy Czartoryski) 领导的波兰大移民的君主立宪派兰伯特酒店 (Hôtel Lambert) 关于奥地利在加利西亚的统治的争论,特别关注奥地利官僚机构在计划中的地位问题。未来的波兰起义。从兰伯特酒店的角度来看,加利西亚是恢复独立的波兰国家不可分割的一部分。关于其战略地位和居民角色的讨论是未来起义计划的关键部分。因此,奥地利当地的官僚机构也是受到争论的群体之一。文章的结论是,尽管恰尔托雷斯基在他移民前的著作中分享了普遍接受的官僚机构的负面形象,一旦到达巴黎,所有起义计划都强调了维持政府正常运转的重要性。因此,根据兰伯特酒店的计划,加利西亚(以及普鲁士和俄罗斯分区)的官僚将在波兰起义期间发挥关键作用之一。要么是自愿获得晋升等好处,要么是在叛乱分子的直接监督下被迫接受。在这种情况下,他们随后将被解除服役并被驱逐出境。在叛乱分子的直接监督下。在这种情况下,他们随后将被解除服役并被驱逐出境。在叛乱分子的直接监督下。在这种情况下,他们随后将被解除服役并被驱逐出境。11本文中提出的几个论点之前已在作者的研究“Z kolonizátorov asimilovaní, z nepriateľov spojenci: Germanizácia Haliče z pohl'adu Adama Jerzyho Czartoryského a Hôtel Lambert 1830 – 1846 [从殖民者到被同化者,从敌人到盟友:亚当·耶日·恰尔托雷斯基和兰伯特酒店眼中的加利西亚日耳曼化,1830-1846]。在共和国的君主制国家:zmeny režimov,myslenia a životného štšlu na Slovensku av strednej Eurôpe od polovice 19.do polovice 20.storočia。杜莎娜·科瓦查 (Dušana Kováča) 周年庆典。- 布拉迪斯拉发:HistorickÝ ústav SAV:Veda,vydavate'stvo SAV,2021 年,第 4 页 65-82。ISBN 978-80-224-1921-5。
