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The AKP, religion, and political values in contemporary Turkey: implications for the future of democracy
Turkish Studies ( IF 2.231 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-12 , DOI: 10.1080/14683849.2023.2186784
Birol A. Yeşilada 1


The Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power in 2002 with the promise of reforms to further democratic consolidation in Turkey. At that time, the AKP represented a rainbow coalition of individuals from the previous Islamist parties and many liberal democrats who were fed up with the failures of old secular political parties. The Turkish public shared their frustrations and overwhelmingly supported the AKP. Unfortunately, these reforms did not last. Today, it is indisputable that under the rule of the AKP, and more specifically, President Recep T. Erdoğan, Turkey has become an authoritarian state defined and shaped by one person. This article explores what these developments mean for the future of Turkish democracy as the country celebrates its centenary, and it includes an examination of whether Turkish political culture is supportive of such changes.




正义与发展党 (AKP) 于 2002 年上台,承诺进行改革以进一步巩固土耳其的民主。当时,正义与发展党代表了一个彩虹联盟,由以前的伊斯兰政党和许多厌倦了旧世俗政党失败的自由民主党人士组成。土耳其公众也表达了他们的不满,并大力支持正义与发展党。不幸的是,这些改革并没有持续下去。如今,无可争议的是,在正义与发展党,更具体地说,在雷杰普·埃尔多安总统的统治下,土耳其已成为一个由一个人定义和塑造的独裁国家。本文探讨了在土耳其庆祝建国一百周年之际,这些发展对土耳其民主的未来意味着什么,
