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Resisting Internationalism?: The Evolution of Indonesia’s Shipwreck Legislation
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia ( IF 0.657 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-10 , DOI: 10.1163/22134379-bja10044
Natali Pearson 1

This article reviews historical legislation relating to the management of shipwrecks in Indonesia, examining issues relating to terminology, division of authority, and implementation. It focuses on the evolution of Indonesia’s commercial salvage legislation, from its introduction in 1989 to its abrupt cessation in 2010, when a moratorium was introduced. While the moratorium was interpreted as a sign that Indonesia was moving closer to internationally accepted principles regarding the management of underwater cultural heritage, the introduction of a new law unrelated to maritime heritage has instead disturbed this anticipated trajectory. Designed to stimulate job opportunities, Law No. 11/2020 on Job Creation has, perversely, raised the prospect that the moratorium will be repealed. As this article demonstrates, the changing conceptualization of the value of shipwrecks and their cargoes remains a live issue in Indonesia, reflecting unresolved tensions about its identity as a maritime nation.



本文回顾了与印度尼西亚沉船管理相关的历史立法,研究了与术语、权力划分和实施相关的问题。它侧重于印度尼西亚商业救助立法的演变,从 1989 年引入到 2010 年引入暂停令后突然停止。虽然暂停令被解释为印度尼西亚正在接近国际公认的水下文化遗产管理原则的标志,但与海洋遗产无关的新法律的出台反而扰乱了这一预期轨迹。关于创造就业机会的第 11/2020 号法律旨在刺激就业机会,但反常地提出了废除暂停令的可能性。正如这篇文章所展示的,
