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Jacob Coren’s Observatio 40: shipowner liability for inculpable ship collision and its limitation in Roman-Dutch law
The Legal History Review ( IF 0.146 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-25 , DOI: 10.1163/15718190-20220026
Tim Lubbers 1


In 1617, two Dutch merchantmen collided in a storm on the North Sea. The incident resulted in extensive legal proceedings before the Supreme Court of Holland, Zeeland and West-Friesland, lasting until 1640. In an unprecedented decision, which was published as no. 40 of Jacob Coren’s well-known Observationes, the Court limited the liability of shipowners for inculpable ship collision to the value of their ship. Based both on extensive archival research and the text of Coren’s Observatio, the present article offers a detailed discussion of the facts and proceedings of the case, and sets out how the case was received by Roman-Dutch scholars. As it turns out, limitation of shipowner liability was analysed in terms of noxal surrender in order to reconcile shipowner liability for inculpable ship collision with contemporary perceptions of equity.


Jacob Coren 的观察 40:船东对无罪船舶碰撞的责任及其在罗马-荷兰法中的局限性


1617年,两艘荷兰商船在北海的风暴中相撞。这一事件导致荷兰、泽兰和西弗里斯兰最高法院进行了广泛的法律诉讼,一直持续到 1640 年。40 在 Jacob Coren 著名的Observationes中,法院将船东对无罪船舶碰撞的责任限制为他们船舶的价值。基于广泛的档案研究和 Coren 的观察文本,本文详细讨论了案件的事实和诉讼程序,并阐述了罗马-荷兰学者对案件的看法。事实证明,船东责任的限制是根据 noxal 放弃来分析的,以便协调船东对无罪船舶碰撞的责任与当代的公平观念。
