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Treatment of wastewater from the production of meat and bone meal by the Fenton process and coagulation
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-27 , DOI: 10.2478/pjct-2022-0028
Agnieszka Makara 1 , Zygmunt Kowalski 2 , Piotr Radomski 1 , Piotr Olczak 2

Wastewater from the production of meat and bone meal, due to the high load of organic matter and suspended solids, is a significant problem in the process of its treatment. In this work, we examined the method of treating this wastewater using coagulation with hydrogen peroxide and the Fenton process. Treatment variants included the use of variable Fe2+/H2O2 ratios of 1:5–1:30, variable doses of 3–18.0 g/L H2O2, and 5–10 mL/L of coagulant PIX 113. The calculated reduction degrees showed that, regardless of the treatment variant used, the greatest reduction was obtained for turbidity (100%), phosphorus (99%), followed by color (97%), chemical oxygen demand (70%), and Kjeldahl nitrogen (48%). The proposed treatment options can be used as a preliminary stage in treating wastewater from the production of meat and bone meal.



肉骨粉生产废水中含有大量有机物和悬浮固体,是其处理过程中的一个重大问题。在这项工作中,我们研究了使用过氧化氢混凝法和芬顿法处理这种废水的方法。治疗变体包括使用可变 Fe2+/H2个2个比例为 1:5–1:30,可变剂量为 3–18.0 g/LH2个2个, 和 5–10 mL/L 混凝剂 PIX 113。计算的减少程度表明,无论使用何种处理方式,浊度 (100%)、磷 (99%) 和颜色 (97) 的减少量最大%)、化学需氧量 (70%) 和凯氏定氮 (48%)。拟议的处理方案可用作处理肉骨粉生产废水的初步阶段。