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Mozambique’s Forever Wars: Can the Military Affairs Commission, Christian Council, and Islamic Council Be Key Players in Building a National Peace Architecture?
International Journal of African Renaissance Studies - Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Pub Date : 2022-05-27 , DOI: 10.1080/18186874.2022.2075279
Gwinyayi Albert Dzinesa 1


Mozambique has suffered two major conflicts in the past decade: localised intermittent armed conflict between the government and the Mozambican National Resistance (RENAMO) movement between 2013 and 2019 and violent extremism (VE) in the gas-rich northern Cabo Delgado province since 2017. In the former, violence mainly manifested itself in direct physical and structural terms, while the latter conflict has been characterised by cultural violence on top of structural violence, as religion has served to justify and legitimise direct violence. Using the Infrastructures for Peace (I4P) and adaptive peacebuilding concepts, this article examines the peacebuilding efforts of the Military Affairs Commission and faith-based organisations (FBOs), specifically the Christian Council of Mozambique and the Islamic Council of Mozambique. This exploratory empirical study argues that key issues and lessons from these efforts may serve as inputs for potential adaptive Disarmament, Demobilisation, Rehabilitation, and Reintegration (DDRR), which can contribute to preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) in Cabo Delgado. As there has been no umbrella peacebuilding body, the article asserts that the Military Affairs Commission and FBOs can be crucial players in creating a potential National Peace Architecture (NPA) for sustaining peace in Mozambique.




莫桑比克在过去十年经历了两次重大冲突:2013 年至 2019 年政府与莫桑比克民族抵抗运动(RENAMO)之间的局部间歇性武装冲突,以及自 2017 年以来在天然气资源丰富的北部德尔加杜角省发生的暴力极端主义(VE)。前者的暴力主要表现为直接的身体和结构性冲突,而后者的特点是在结构性暴力之上还存在文化暴力,因为宗教为直接暴力辩护并使其合法化。本文使用和平基础设施 (I4P) 和适应性建设和平概念,审视军事委员会和信仰组织 (FBO),特别是莫桑比克基督教委员会和莫桑比克伊斯兰委员会的建设和平努力。这项探索性实证研究认为,这些努力的关键问题和经验教训可以作为潜在的适应性解除武装、复员、康复和重返社会 (DDRR) 的投入,这有助于预防和打击德尔加杜角的暴力极端主义 (P/CVE)。由于没有伞式建设和平机构,文章断言军事委员会和宗教组织可以成为创建潜在的国家和平架构 (NPA) 以维持莫桑比克和平的关键角色。
