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Stakeholder Participation in High-Resolution Monitoring of Salt Contamination
Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-13 , DOI: 10.1111/gwmr.12571
Meredith J. Metcalf 1 , Mark A. Higgins 2 , Gary A. Robbins 3

Groundwater contamination of bedrock domestic wells by road salt is an ever-increasing problem in the Northeast United States. Given the many factors that influence salt transport to wells, the timeframe of salt impacts cannot be readily determined. As such, one cannot optimize quarterly monitoring for assessing the extent of a problem, its source or the effectiveness of remedial measures. Although the use of high-frequency monitoring by installing pressure/electrical conductance probes in wells can be conducted to help determining salt contamination changes with time, this can be costly given the application to multiple wells. In addition, there are logistical issues with regard to probe placement in a drinking water well. In this study a stakeholder participated in high-resolution monitoring of salt contamination using a chloride field test kit. The daily stakeholder water quality monitoring was highly correlated to the specific conductance results obtained with a pressure/conductivity probe. Voluntary stakeholder participation in monitoring can offer a lower cost means of high-frequency monitoring of salt contamination changes with time.


