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Rendering algorithms for aberrated human vision simulation
Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art Pub Date : 2023-03-17 , DOI: 10.1186/s42492-023-00132-9
István Csoba 1, 2 , Roland Kunkli 1

Vision-simulated imagery―the process of generating images that mimic the human visual system―is a valuable tool with a wide spectrum of possible applications, including visual acuity measurements, personalized planning of corrective lenses and surgeries, vision-correcting displays, vision-related hardware development, and extended reality discomfort reduction. A critical property of human vision is that it is imperfect because of the highly influential wavefront aberrations that vary from person to person. This study provides an overview of the existing computational image generation techniques that properly simulate human vision in the presence of wavefront aberrations. These algorithms typically apply ray tracing with a detailed description of the simulated eye or utilize the point-spread function of the eye to perform convolution on the input image. Based on the description of the vision simulation techniques, several of their characteristic features have been evaluated and some potential application areas and research directions have been outlined.


