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Introducción: Los entes autónomos en el derecho constitucional latinoamericano
International Journal of Constitutional Law ( IF 1.419 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-17 , DOI: 10.1093/icon/moad016
Luis Eugenio García-Huidobro 1 , Sebastián Guidi 2

This introduction provides an overview of the concept and role of independent authorities in comparative public law, with a particular emphasis on Latin America. First, we outline an idea of these institutions and examine how they have assumed critical responsibilities traditionally allocated to one of the three branches of government. We also explore their role in protecting constitutional democracy and discuss some problems associated with their democratic legitimacy. Second, we outline these entities’ situation in Latin America, stressing how little academic attention they have received in contrast with their growing importance. Finally, we provide a critical review of each of the contributions to the symposium.