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Innovative Financial Instruments and Investors’ Interest in Indian Securities Markets
Asia-Pacific Financial Markets Pub Date : 2023-03-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s10690-023-09403-0
Pradiptarathi Panda

Indian securities markets have undergone significant transformations in the recent past. The paper discusses and documents initiatives taken by the market regulator to expand and deepen the securities markets, including encouraging innovations in financial instruments, improving market efficiency by appropriate and timely regulatory interventions, expanding issuers’ base and investors’ participation for inclusive growth, ensuring regulatory compliance for fair play of market forces. The study helps investors, intermediaries, and regulators outside India to gain insights into recent developments and opportunities they offer to make the Indian securities market their preferred investment destination. The study concludes with the papers’ key findings on “Investor interest and innovative instruments” in the special issue.



