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Protecting Street Art Rights Using an NFT-Based System
Journal of Urban Technology ( IF 5.150 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-20 , DOI: 10.1080/10630732.2023.2180983
Eynat Mendelson-Shwartz 1 , Ofir Shwartz 2 , Nir Mualam 1


Street art has flourished around the world, gaining international recognition and commercial success. Consequently, controversies over their misuse have escalated, and artists have begun to pursue legal protection of their intellectual property (IP) rights. But asserting these rights is still quite difficult, creating a state of uncertainty and risk to both artists and interested parties. In this article, we introduce Street-Art-NFT-System (SA-NFT), a dynamic street art ledger that enables artists to assert their IP rights and communicate with other interested parties, while maintaining their anonymity. Additionally, SA-NFT can create a new documentation method that will open new avenues for studying a city's ever-changing urban facades.


使用基于 NFT 的系统保护街头艺术权利


街头艺术在世界各地蓬勃发展,获得了国际认可和商业成功。因此,关于滥用的争议不断升级,艺术家们开始寻求对其知识产权(IP)的法律保护。但维护这些权利仍然相当困难,给艺术家和利益相关方都带来了不确定性和风险。在本文中,我们介绍了街头艺术 NFT 系统(SA-NFT),这是一种动态街头艺术分类账,使艺术家能够维护自己的知识产权并与其他感兴趣的各方进行沟通,同时保持匿名。此外,SA-NFT 可以创建一种新的记录方法,为研究城市不断变化的城市立面开辟新途径。
