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L’École de pensée juive de Paris and the Idea of Fraternité: Re-reading the Stories of Brothers in Genesis
European Journal of Jewish Studies Pub Date : 2023-09-14 , DOI: 10.1163/1872471x-bja10059
Hanoch Ben-Pazi 1

This essay will present an analysis of the idea of ‘fraternity’ in the writings of two of the most dynamic Jewish thinkers of the Parisian School of Jewish Thought: Manitou (Rabbi Yehuda Leon Ashkenazi) and André Neher. They both examined the concept of “fraternity” in the book of Genesis. Apparently, the concept was borrowed from the motto of the French revolution: liberté, egalité and fraternité. However, they approached it from the perspective of a Jewish reading of the Bible. For them, the extensive development of the concept of fraternity in Genesis produced a wealth of profound ideas. Regretfully, however, it becomes clear that the concept includes varied connotations of enmity as well. In order to sharpen the focus of our study, this essay will deal solely with the relationship of the first set of brothers: Cain and Abel, perhaps the archetype for all other sets of brothers of Genesis.


