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Load bearing capacity of finite half space agricultural homogeneous soil
Journal of Terramechanics ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jterra.2023.03.001
Nihal D. Salman , György Pillinger , György Sitkei , Péter Kiss

A comprehensive plate-sinkage equation is necessary for the description of the load bearing capacity of soils. In the last century, several improvements to the existing equations were attempted but with limited success. The main aim of this paper is to verify, evaluate and develop a load bearing capacity theory of finite half space soil. Agricultural soils may be regarded as a finite half space in which the tilled soil layer is comparable to the loading diameter. Harder soil is found below the tilled soil layer and this hard soil can be considered as a rigid layer. A new consideration is the compacted cone-shaped zone developing under a loading device and its possible interaction with the rigid bottom surface. Theoretical and experimental investigations reported in this paper have shown that these approaches have facilitated deriving new relationships valid for finite half space. These include two independent variables and developing a dimensionless load bearing number. This paper introduces a new dimensionless plate-sinkage equation describing soil deformation in a general form.



