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Making Demands on Government: Theorizing Determinants of Backyard Residents’ Collective Action in Cape Town, South Africa
African Studies Review ( IF 1.820 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-22 , DOI: 10.1017/asr.2023.10
Adam S. Harris , Andreas Scheba , Louis Rice

Informality is growing with Africa’s rapid urbanization. Much like residents of other types of informal housing, backyard dwellers face overall poor living conditions and political marginalization. However, backyard residents are in an ambiguous legal area and have been far less politically active and organized to pursue their rights to adequate housing. Using a qualitative case study of backyard residents in three Cape Town neighborhoods, Harris, Scheba, and Rice bridge theories of infrastructural citizenship and collective action to shed light on how informality may undermine collective action, and they identify four factors influencing collective action.



