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A dynamic even distribution resource scheduling mechanism combined with network coding for inter-LEO satellite networks
International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-23 , DOI: 10.1002/sat.1480
Xin Tong 1 , Xu Li 1 , Ying Liu 1

Resource scheduling mechanism of LEO satellite networks is the key to determining communication efficiency. Facing the LEO satellite networks with the dynamic topology changes, varying service requirements, and intermittent inter-satellite links (ISLs), the state-of-the-art cannot achieve high resource efficiency under both heavy and burst traffic loads, and the applicability of parameters design is insufficient under intermittent ISLs. Considering this, we propose a dynamic even distribution mechanism combined with network coding DENC. This novel mechanism obtains the service requirements and allocates resources dynamically through the even distribution algorithm to balance network maintenance overhead and resource waste and improves the success probability of transmission based on network coding to balance retransmission and redundancy. In this paper, we establish performance analysis models to optimize the parameters such as maintenance frequency and coding coefficient. Besides, we construct a system-level simulation platform. Mathematical and simulation results indicate that the resource efficiency of EMNC can be improved by more than 48% compared with SAHN-MAC, ICSMA, CSMA-TDMA, and HTM when all nodes have service needs, and the ISL outage rate is 20%. As the outage probability of ISL increases and the proportion of nodes with service requirements decreases, the performance advantage of EMNC becomes more apparent.


